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Multi-task Learning for Universal Sentence Embeddings: A Thorough Evaluation using Transfer and Auxiliary Tasks

Wasi Uddin Ahmad, Xueying Bai, Zhechao Huang, Chao Jiang, Nanyun Peng, and Kai-Wei Chang, arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.07911, 2018.

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  title = {Multi-task Learning for Universal Sentence Embeddings: A Thorough Evaluation using Transfer and Auxiliary Tasks},
  author = {Ahmad, Wasi Uddin and Bai, Xueying and Huang, Zhechao and Jiang, Chao and Peng, Nanyun and Chang, Kai-Wei},
  journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.07911},
  year = {2018}

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