CS 162: Natural Language Processing — Winter 2023
Course objectives: Welcome! This course is designed to introduce you to some of the problems and solutions of NLP, and their relation to machine learning, statistics, linguistics, and social sciences. You need to know how to program and use common data structures.
It might also be nice—though it's not required—to have some previous familiarity with linear algebra and probabilities.
At the end you should agree (I hope!) that language is subtle and interesting, feel some ownership over some of NLP's techniques, and be able to understand research papers in the field.
Lectures: | M/W 12:00 - 1:50pm |
Location: | KAPLAN 169. |
Prof: | Nanyun (Violet) Peng Email: [email protected] |
TAs: | Yufei Tian Email: [email protected] Tanmay Parekh Email: [email protected] |
Office hrs: | Prof: Mon. 11:00am - 12:00pm at Eng VI 397A; or zoom: link TAs: Yufei: Tuesday 11:00am - 12:00pm Eng VI 389; or zoom: link Tanmay: Thursday 11:00am - 12:00pm Eng VI 389; or zoom: link |
TA sessions: | Sec 1A: Friday 2:00 - 3:50pm, Haines A25 (Tanmay Parekh) Sec 1B: Friday 12:00 - 1:50pm, Haines A2 (Yufei Tian) |
Discussion site: | Piazza https://piazza.com/ucla/winter2023/cs162 ... public questions, discussion, announcements |
Web page: | https://vnpeng.net/cs162_win23.html |
Textbook: | Jurafsky & Martin, 3rd ed. (recommended) Manning & Schütze (recommended) |
Policies: | Grading: homework 35%, project 15%, midterm 20%, final 25%, participation 5% Honesty: UCLA Student Conduct Code |
Warning: The schedule below may change. Links to future lectures and assignments are just placeholders and will not be available until shortly before or after the actual lecture.
Week | Monday | Wednesday | Friday (TA sessions) | Suggested Reading |
1/9 |
Project description out Text classification and lexical semantics
1/16 | No lecture (MLK holiday) |
Assignment 1 release Lexical semantics
1/23 |
Distributional semantics
N-gram language models
1/30 |
Project planning report due Smoothing n-grams
Assignment 1 due Log-linear models and neural language models
2/6 |
Assignment 2 release Assignment 1 answer keys release RNN language models
2/13 | Midterm exam (12:00-1:50pm in class) Return assignment 1 gradings |
Pre-Trained Large Language Models
2/20 | Assignment 2 due No lecture (Presidents' Day) |
Project midterm report due Syntax
Return midterm exam gradings
2/27 |
Assignment 3 release Sequence tagging models
Sequence tagging models (cont.)
3/6 |
Named Entity Recognition
Probabilistic parsing
3/13 |
Assignment 3 due Dependency Parser
Dependency Parser (Cont.)